Seawolf Dragon Mod Tutorial: Liveries

Livery, plural: Liveries
It means a identifying uniform, also used to describe the colorations of aircrafts.

This notecard is a part of a pack that teaches you how to combine Seawolf Dragon, and Kinzart Night Fury (Midnight/Dawn dragon), to create a feral Night Fury.

As always, work with a copy so you have a BACKUP before you link/unlink, in case something does not go quite like you planned or should have.

A Night Fury Prim Tail hip (Stage2b notecard)
A Seawolf Dragon chest
The VISIBLE ON AIR scripts (included when Tutorial is bought, found at marketplace or vendor)


For those who don't know it yet, liveries is the color system you use to color your dragon via the HUD. Liveries actually means uniform. Its fun to know that the liveries you save on your HUD get saved on a server, so even if you get a fresh new HUD, you keep your liveries.


============STEP 1 (replacing livery scripts)============

1. Rez the Seawolf Dragon CHEST, and get the LIVERY-CHEST script from it. This is so you can make the tail-fins color like the wing membrane (since the livery-hips dont know that livery).

2. Rez your Night-Fury PRIM tail and REPLACE the LIVERY-HIP with the LIVERY-CHEST script, so you will only have one livery script in the tail.

============STEP 2 (livery enable)============

1. Use EDIT LINKED to select single prims of the PRIM tail, and rename the prims according to the list below, depending on how you want them to color with the livery system.

s - skin
d - decal/tattoos
wl - wing membrane left side
wr - wing membrane right side

Left and right does not matter much at all.

2. The tail-fins should be named 'wl' or 'wr. (both names color the same). There are actually 8 tail fins, as there are four spread for flight, and four folded for on the ground. To make them show/hide according to your status (flying or not) and be livery enabled, there are scripts included with the set when bought. If you wish to skip that, simply unlink either pair so you wont have four of them in your way.

3. To make a tattoo layer, you have to copy the tail prim (best way by unlinking it first from the rest) and then make it just big enough to overlap the tail. Name this 'd' so it'll turn transparent with the decal/tattoos when coloring with the Seawolf Dragon HUD. See Stage4.

Use the Seawolf Dragon Custom primwork guide for more info

============STEP 3 (making the Livery tail work)============

1. follow the 'Visible on Air' instruction notecard.

============STEP 4 (Refresh and Finish)============


2. Wear and Enjoy.
Tutorial written by MyraMidnight
Scripts made by scaleskin