Seawolf Dragon Mod Tutorial: Chest and Wings

This notecard is a part of a pack that teaches you how to combine Seawolf Dragon, and Kinzart Night Fury (Midnight/Dawn dragon), to create a feral Night Fury.

As always, work with a copy so you have a BACKUP before you link/unlink, in case something does not go quite like you planned or should have.

A Seawolf Dragon HIP
A night fury PRIM tail (from the kinzart's Midnight/Dawn dragon)


For those who don't know it yet, liveries is the color system you use to color your dragon via the HUD. Liveries actually means uniform. Its fun to know that the liveries you save on your HUD get saved on a server, so even if you get a fresh new HUD, you keep your liveries.

If you select all the objects of the head together (using SHIFT key to select multiple objects) before linking, and TAKE COPY, you can make a backup of the setup without linking. The icon in the inventory should be a box with a missing piece in it, unlike a single object being a whole box.So when you rez it, you don't have to position them all again. Good as a backup before linking, if something goes wrong or not like you were planning.

So make a backup before linking, to be on the safe notes, its harder to take it apart afterwards. And ALWAYS STOP SCRIPTS FROM RUNNING as some scripts behave different after linking and will mess up things in ways you might not have expected.

For those who don't know how to move the camera in the many ways it can, then this is a good trick to know. You can use this to move your camera into the object to help you select things not visible from the outside. To do this, do not look at the object you want to go into, but someplace else (you cant seem to be able to see into the object you focus on).

ALT key will let you zoom the camera with the mouse and rotate the camera.

If you hold ALT+CTRL, you can angle the camera up and down.

If you hold ALT+CTRL+SHIFT, then you can move the camera without turning or zooming.

Some things are invisible or transparent and may be hard to select or even avoid when you cant see them correctly. To enable you to see transparent, simply press CTRL+ALT+T (and again to turn it off).

============STEP 1 (removing the seawolf tail)============

If you plan to LIVERY enable your Prim tail and also have full function in the tail, you will need the VISIBLE ON AIR scripts (Scripts are not included with the notecard itself, and only available when bought at a vendor or market-place).

But this doesn't mean you can't livery enable it, but the tail fins will not spread in flight since the scripts included with the tail will not work correctly after you rename the prims to work with the livery system.

It is good to ENABLE seeing transparent, since the Seawolf Tail is made up of several prims that are transparent or invisible (the decal layer and the armor scales, which are only visible from below, so people tend to forget that). To enable transparent view, use CTRL+ALT+T (and again to disable it).

1. Rez your Seawolf HIP, and STOP SCRIPTS FROM RUNNING (location of this option depends on viewer, but is often at the top menu under TOOLS, next to WORLD, at least in Phoenix).

2. Now use EDIT LINKED to select only specific prims of the tail to unlink. To unlink, use CTRL+SHIFT+L (there is also a LINK/UNLINK button in the edit menu under OBJECT)

What should be left, is the hips, armor scales and spikes (you can hide those with the HUD).

============STEP 2 (linking new tail)============

1. Rez your new Night-Fury PRIM TAIL and resize it to look right with the Seawolf hips.

2. For livery enabled mod, you better REMOVE all the scripts inside the tail, before linking. But if you are not going to, then leave the scripts in the tail for a working tail that spreads when in flight.

3. When you like how it looks, then simply link it with the hips with CTRL+L, select the new tail FIRST, and then select the hips LAST, so it will not change root prims, though its nothing big if it does happen (the hips will work fine).

============STEP 3 (livery enable: OPTIONAL)============

1. Move onto the Stage3 notecard to continue with livery enabling your tail.
If you are not going to livery enable it, skip this step.

============STEP 4 (Refresh and Finish)============


2. Wear and enjoy.

If your tail plays tricks on you even if you didn't livery enable it (maybe because forgetting to refresh scripts, since you'll only notice once you try flying. Or something else unknown to me) then using the VISIBLE ON AIR scripts will fix the problem. So just use the notecard included to direct you how to use those scripts.

OR you can just make them appear again, the bits that disappeared when you flew, and simply remove the flight script (located in your tail prim, not root most likely), but then you cant spread them in flight.
Tutorial written by myramidnight resident