Hahaha! Síðan mín er orðin að fésbók síðu, þar til ég breyti henni kanski til baka síðar. En þetta er svo sniðugt! Ég verð að viðurkenna að það er afskaplega þægilegt hvað facebook gerir með kommentin á forsíðu.
my wordpress site looks like facebook! somewhat, I poked it so it would look a bit more personalized, but still… would you even wonder about if you are still on facebook or not looking at that? (click the link to see the original). Got to admit that what facebook does with its comments on the front page/index, where you can see the latest 2-3 comments on the post, and when you want to view older posts, you just add them on, instead of being lead to load another page just to view those older ones.
I hope I can mess with this a bit, or wait for someone else to do it, because I would love getting a view of the comments from the index instead of having to look at each post to see them. Those tiny things facebook has shown us which are awesome and should be used more. You do not need to invent everything from the ground up, stand on someone’s shoulders so you can reach further ahead, to lead us all ahead.
PS. I will most likely change it all back later (the theme on my website) or create a new one around this facebook style when Im done with exams and stuff… how it looked like if I change it back.