Mýra Midnight's personal gallery

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Akkue'Ree can seem a bit awkward, most likely born of magic. His existence can only be compared to a dream, because when you see him, you see him clearly. But when you want to recall his details, you won't remember anything but the bare basics, it is like trying describe something you only have vague recollection of and start filling in the gaps. So AkkueRee appears to look different to people every time he is seen.

The "details" that stay consistent are:

  • has a long head/muzzle
  • has two pairs of hands, legs and eyes. (or 4 pairs of legs, its just limbs).
  • has one pair of wings (it's logical that he'd have two pairs, but he lost/traded them somehow... magic...)
  • has two fingers/toes (sometimes he has a thumb when seen with hands).
  • he is purple, always purple, sometimes he'd seem to have patterns or shades, but always in purple hues.
  • usually his last pair of limbs (the legs) are extra small, and overall unusable.

if you'd decide to draw this character, just make something up within those lines, how did he appear to you?

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