5 photos
9 photos
102 photos in 14 sub-albumsJust a collection of images relevant to Furvilla. I like to do commissions for members on there. It might be very furry oriented but a big part of the community come from petsites like flightrising or neopets
324 photos in 28 sub-albums
Artwork by Myra Midnight (Stefanía Reynisdóttir)
3 photos
156 photos in 15 sub-albumsArtwork I've created by hand: crafting, sculptures, models...
Art for me
88 photos in 6 sub-albums
Within this folder and subfolders are gifts and personal artwork created by other artists specially of my characters for me. Alot of these pictures cam through art-exchanges
These were made for me, you do not have permission to use them.
Character Reference
52 photos in 11 sub-albums
Details and reference sheets of my original characters
65 photos in 6 sub-albums
Pictures of my secondlife experience
19 photos in 3 sub-albums
15 photos
67 photos in 8 sub-albumsThis section has images that don't quite belong elsewhere.
Either they are not made by me, random screen-shots or pictures I made to use on other websites with specific purpose -
11 photos
498 photos in 8 sub-albumsPhotographs
1 photo
62 photos in 13 sub-albumsAnything connected to our guinea pigs and their cages
I sometimes upload videos on my youtube account
5 photos
200 photos in 8 sub-albumsThis folder is for my fiancé to upload and share pictures on